Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening or Bleaching
Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening or Bleaching
Teeth Whitening

What is Teeth Whitening?

Tooth whitening also known as Dental bleaching, is a common procedure to restores natural tooth color and bleaching whitens beyond the natural color. Teeth whitening helps to remove stains, discoloration and improve the aesthetic appearance of teeth.

Every day, a thin coating forms on the enamel (the thin outer covering of the tooth) and picks up stains. Tooth enamel also has pores which can hold stains.

White teeth are sign of the good oral health, make beautiful smile and gives you more confidence. Unfortunately, avoiding yellow teeth is not as simple as you may think.

Some common reasons to get stained or yellow teeth are

  • Using tobacco, smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco

  • Regular drinking of coffee, tea, dark-coloured liquids such as cola and red wine

  • Poor oral hygiene and not taking good care of your teeth

  • Stain by certain types of food

  • Age, as you get older your teeth become less brighter because enamel gets thinner and the dentin (dentine) becomes darker.

  • It is also possible to have stains inside the tooth which called intrinsic stains. Intrinsic stains on your teeth occur when dentin (the inner tissue of the tooth) gets a yellow tint or turns dark.

Intrinsic stains may occur for different reasons like

  • exposure to too much fluoride during childhood while teeth are developing

  • Tetracycline antibiotic, used by child’s mother during the second half of pregnancy or by a child while teeth are still developing (age of 8 years old or younger)

  • Trauma may also darken a tooth, having tooth trauma as a child, damaging the tooth or internal bleeding in the tooth

  • Dentinogenesis imperfecta, which is a genetic disorder of tooth development. This condition causes teeth to be discolored ( most often a blue-gray or yellow-brown color ) and weaker than normal which making them vulnerable to rapid wear, breakage, and loss.

Vital Whitening

Vital whitening is performed on teeth that have live nerves. Tooth whitening can be done in the dentist’s office or at home (it is recommended to only use chairside whitening or dentist-supervised home whitening kit). The most common type vital tooth whitening uses a gel-like whitening solution that is applied directly to the tooth surface. Chairside whitening allows your dentist to use a more powerful whitening gel, specialized light or laser to activates the gel and allows bleaching to happen faster.

Non-Vital Whitening

It is done on a tooth that has had root-canal treatment and no longer has a live nerve. In Non-Vital Whitening, dentist will use a different procedure by placing a whitening agent inside the tooth and put a temporary filling over it to whitens the tooth from the inside. Tooth with non-vital whitening will be left this way for few days. This procedure may be done only once, or repeated till the tooth reaches the desired shade.

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